Intervention to Ward 1  Tomography at Pediatric Hospital “Garrahan”

Customer:    |    Date:  October 2021   |    Type of Project:  Visual communication of working environment    |   Subject: Comprehensive healthcare perspective, childhood, rights, support     

Challenge / Purpose

To create in an artistic and educational way, the equipment, the furniture, the facilities and the building structures of the Tomography ward and the preparation room for the patient, inviting the boys and girls to life a nice and relaxing experience during the examination, avoiding sedation or anesthesia.


To draft the story to tell to the pediatric patients the concepts of “federalism, integration ad diversity” were considered, as they are present as part of the mission at the Garrahan hospital. From these ideas, the proposed adventure is a balloon ride (tomograph) throughout a variety of wonderful landscapes that Argentina offers in its vast territory, together with its natural resources, historic values, architecture and touristic and its multiple cultures that inhabits the country.