Communication support for the campaign about child, early and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU)

Customer: United Nation Population Fund for Latin America & Caribbean Regional Office   |    Date:  January/April 2024   |    Type of Project:  Web and digital developments   |   Subject: Gender-based violence     

Challenge / objective

Strengthen communication strategies in the areas of prevention and response to gender-based violence, child marriages and forced early unions.


We developed the identity of the Aliadas initiative: naming, graphic branding, claim. We designed materials for social networks and internal presentations. Also, we carried out the design of the new web site which includes a repository of materials and a geo-referenced map of Initiatives in the area of Child Marriages and Early Unions. We manage the mass mailing of mails from a database of 25,000 users.

“For childhood and adolescence free of child marriages and unions”.