Editorial design and pieces of circulation of the United Nations Development Programme UNDP report  “Women on network: financial solutions and socioeconomic recovery.”

Customer: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)   |    Date:  November 2021/January 2022   |    Type of Project:  Strategies and campaigns    |   Subject: Financial inclusion and socioeconomic recovery from gender perspective     

Challenge / Purpose

To design and measure ,through communication, a mapping of solutions in financial inclusion with gender perspective, including the design of advertising, digital pieces and a PPT presentation and an audiovisual for the circulation. 


We carried out a design of the publication including diverse illustrated infographies that were later got back in the social network pieces and the material spreading audiovisual. The illustrations under collage technic were based on recreation of daily life scenes of real women from Buenos Aires surroundings – the universe from which the study was made- which entitles a visual richness and descriptive that facilitates the reading and comprehension of the report.