Media campaign for the accessibility to the phone line 144 

Customer: United Nations Population Fund (UNPF), in coordination with the National Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity and the Spotlight initiative.    |    Date:  august 2023   |    Type of Project:  Strategies and campaigns    |   Subject: Accessibility / Gender-based violence.     

Challenge / Purpose

To develop and carry out a comprehensive campaign for the dissemination of the accessibility service phone line 144 for people with disabilities under violence situation due to gender, from an intersectional and comprehensive perspective.


We designed a graphic, radio, audiovisual and digital communication campaign to expand the accessibility of people with disabilities to the line 144.  We also generated graphic pieces with QR codes and dissemination of audiovisuals and the adequate training workshops for people with visual disabilities (with audio descriptive and audiobook format), auditive disabilities (with clear language and sign language) and cognitive disabilities (easy to read). We worked with linguistic-cultural consultants who participated from the design stage and planification of the campaign.

“Accessible communication is a necessary condition to have access to each right”.