Intervention to Oncology Wing at Hospital “Dr. C. Udaondo”

Customer: Argentian Intergroup for Gastrointestinal Tumors Treatment (ONG)   |    Date:  March 2016   |    Type of Project:  Visual communication of the environment    |   Subject: Comprehensive healthcare perspective      

Challenge / Purpose

To set up the space with and environment and signaling of the Gastroenterology Oncology Wing at Hospital “Dr. C. Udaondo”, in the city of Buenos Aires, in order to generate a friendly, communicative and close environment with the users of the service.


Considering that the service involves specifically the prevention, detection and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, we took as base a color palette of blues and violets related to the bounds that represent this thematic worldwide. The form of the lace was also taken as reference to link the different pieces generated in the context of the project.