Prevalence survey “of violence against women”

Customer: The UN Development Programme (UNDP), in coordination with the National Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity and the Spotlight inititative.    |    Date:  september/december 2022   |    Type of Project:  Strategies and campaigns    |   Subject: Gender-based violence     

Challenge / Purpose

To carry out a communication campaign of the results of the prevalence survey about violence against women through different supports and means to accompany the presentation y generate media impact.


We designed the identity of the outreach campaign and an infography and the brief results of the prevalence survey about violence against women. We carried out the press management and the outreach of the presentation event promotion (press backs , banners, newsletters, invitations, press release, etc.). We also performed the comprehensive guidelines in networks through plates, reels and audiovisuals.

“ 45% of the women surveyed that are or have been in a relationship have suffered domestic violence”.